Your child’s safety online is as important as their offline safety. In this guide, learn all about broadband parental controls and how to make sure they are protected

Please view our Managing Social Media booklet to learn about ways to keeps yourself safe online.   

Online Safety

It may feel daunting to talk about staying safe online – especially when your children are using the internet differently to you.  Most social media sites have an age rating of 13+, if you are unsure of what an app or site does or the rating please click here 

Below advice and support to help your child: 

Tips to stay safe online Online Safety: Online Safety

Parent toolkit online issues

Age rating membership handout

Ourpact website

Thinkuknow website

Saferinternet website

Parents’ guide to moving to secondary school – How to support children’s digital development 


These links are to help you and your child if there are any issues with bullying online. 

Bullying and cyberbullying 

Cyberbullying advice for parents and carers – cyberbullying-advice-for-parents-and-carers1

Cyberbullying Signs to look out for: Cyberbullying


Online Grooming: Online grooming keep child safe, Grooming Support

A US based charity that deals with OCSAE, including YPSI. Please see below to the CEOP’s (NCA) support pages:


Children can be exposed to different views and receive information from various sources. Some of these views may be considered radical or extreme.


Radicalisation is the process through which a person comes to support or be involved in extremist ideologies. It can result in a person becoming drawn into terrorism and is in itself a form of harm.

These links can provide more help and support:

Parent Guardian Online Radicalisation Information and Support

Parent toolkit online issues

Gaming Advice

YGAM Parent Hub Information and support for Secondary Ages 11-14. Children are growing up in a digital world and are able to navigate the internet with ease. Explore online gaming, microtransactions and the links to gambling activities, and find out how to identify gaming and gambling related harm.

Ask About Games answer parents and players have about video game age ratings, provide advice on how to play games safely and responsibly, and offer families helpful tips to ensure they get the most out of the games they enjoy together. 

AskAboutGames is a joint venture between the VSC Rating Board and games trade body Ukie, run with input and advice from across the games industry


Advice, Guidance and Other Social Media Issues

Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents and carers related to the digital world from leading experts and organisations, click here for more details 

You know your kids. We know media and tech. Together we can build a digital world where our kids can thrive. Families and teachers everywhere trust Common Sense for expert reviews, objective advice, helpful tools, and so much more.

Below we have on line resources to support parents keeping their child keep safe on line including EAL resources for online safety:   Supporting Young People Online    

Leaflets are also available in a range of other languages:  















Please click on the link below to access these:  

Supporting Young People Online – additional languages    

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