Welcome to WJEC Vocational Award Level 1/2 in Hospitality and Catering
The Hospitality and Catering industry equips you with theoretical knowledge about the industry as well as enabling you to develop practical skills in planning, preparing and cooking a variety of dishes.
Unit 1 
The Hospitality and Catering industry: 
In this unit you will focus on learning about different types of providers, legislation, food safety and the roles and responsibilities within the sector.  
Unit 2
Hospitality and Catering in Action:
You will develop practical skills for planning, preparing, cooking, and presenting nutritional dishes meeting the client needs.
After completing WJEC vocational award you may be interested in progressing to other qualifications relevant in the food sector, such as: WJEC Level 3 Applied certificate/Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition Level2/Level 3 Diplomas in Professional Cooking Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism management.

Please click on the link below to see our Programme of Study for Food Tech:

Food Tech Curriculum Overview

Enrichment Programme

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