Child Protection and Safeguarding

At Greatfields we want all of our students to be safe. All of the staff will receive child protection and safeguarding training, and we have a dedicated child protection team. Our child protection team has a duty of care to the young person. There are different types of abuse which can place a child at risk:

  • Physical abuse such as punching, hitting or burning
  • Sexual abuse such as forcing a child to take part in any sexual activity
  • Emotional harm such as making a child feel unloved or useless or constantly putting them down
  • Neglect means not providing a child with enough for their basic needs e.g. enough food, clothes, medical care.
  • If at any time you have concerns whether for yourself and your child or for any other young person please contact the child protection team, or you can contact Barking & Dagenham Children’s services on 020 8227 3811.-


This is an online resource which has been set up by the national crime agency to provide the latest information on being on-line, and updates in new technology. The information covers different age groups from 5-14+, and there is a parent/carer area. As well as advice and information there is a red report abuse button which you can use, if you fell worried or uncomfortable about any one on line.


This occurs when a young person receives something (for example food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, gifts, money or affection), as a reward for taking part in sexual activities. Exploitation occurs when there is a power imbalance and the person feels intimidated, and pressurised to have sex. It can include sexual bullying, cyberbullying and grooming. Please contact our CP team if you have any concerns.


Female genital mutilation (FGM) is illegal. If staff know that a young person has experienced FGM they have a statutory duty to report it to the police. If they suspect it may happen staff must report it to children’s services. Please contact our CP team if you have any concerns.


Extremist groups use the internet and social media to spread their ideology and recruit vulnerable young people. They know young people are using the internet much more, quite often by themselves, and so utilise these opportunities to exploit and recruit. There is a chance that your child may meet people online or visit websites that could lead them to adopting what is considered extreme views, and become radicalised. Whether you’d like to protect your child from being radicalised or you are concerned that they may be at risk, navigate the guidance below from LBBD to get expert tips on practical ways you can support them and where you can go for further support.

LBBD Prevent Parent Guide

Greatfields Child Protection and Safeguarding Team

Please click on the link below to read our Safeguarding policy:

Safeguarding Policy

Please click on the link below to read our Online Safety policy:

Online Safety Policy

For further information about raising a safeguarding concern please click on the following links:

Greatfields Safeguarding Reminders

Procedure for raising a Safeguarding Concern

Safeguarding Advisers Information

Any email correspondence to be sent to:


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