Post-18 Pathways Available:

  • Undergraduate degree at university
  • Degree Apprenticeship
  • Higher Apprenticeship
  • Employment (not linked to apprenticeship)
  • Gap year travel / volunteering

The range of opportunities can be quite daunting but we hope you will find these guides helpful in making an informed decision.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer all questions within each guide, so please read carefully but should you have any questions or concerns, or simply want to talk to someone about the different pathways, and what might be the most appropriate choice for you/your child, please contact the Head of Sixth Form.

Finally, remember, once you have secured good Level 3 qualifications, you will always be able to access these opportunities, even if currently you chose not to do so.

Below are links to guides for you to read through about each different post 18 option. In addition, another good starting point would be to access the link below:

Undergraduate Degree

Early Entry Degree




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