The decision our Year 11 students make about their next steps, is a very important one. We are here to guide our students with making informed choices. As a school we support them in the following ways:
- Our independent Careers Adviser offers one-to-one careers interview and guidance sessions during the Autumn term. All advice is impartial and always in the best interests of our students.
- We track the destinations of all our students as they prepare to finish Year 11. All students have an interview with a member of the Destinations Team supporting them to move on to their chosen pathway.
- Support in completing applications for Sixth Forms, FE Colleges and Apprenticeships.
- Interview preparation and tips are provided to the students to help them in securing their chosen destination.
- Local Sixth Form, FE College visits and information on how to access Apprenticeship vacancies.
- Supporting our pupils on GCSE results day in August to ensure they are moving on to their chosen destinations in September.
We are working closely with BDSIP to provide pupils with clear guidance and advice to support their next steps. To learn more about BDSIP, please open the tab Next Step in the POST 16 menu. Please see links below for more advice and support..

Actions for Year 11 (

Qualification Types (

Year 11 Future Options – YouTube
It is important to support your child to reach their own decisions about their future.
As parents, providing support and encouragement is immensely important. There are many ways that you can offer support with choices. Here are a few ideas for parents:
- Talk to your child about careers they are interested in. Find out what they know already and encourage them to find out more.
- Encourage your child to find out about what courses, jobs and training opportunities are available locally using the sources available to them.
- Make the most of open day opportunities. Your child will be considering post 16 study at a different institution to Greatfields School and it is important to explore all of the options.
- Encourage your child to investigate alternative pathways such as Apprenticeships and traineeships so they are fully informed of all options available.
See the selection of useful websites below that can help your child research their career goals.
Find an apprenticeship on the Governments website:

Amazing Apprenticeships Parent Pack
Access the monthly pack produced to support parents with apprenticeship advice:

National Careers Service
Loads of useful information on over 800 jobs explaining what the jobs entail, the skills and qualifications needed, and pay and career prospects:

Access to interactive live sessions and on demand videos from employers providing insight into different industries:

Find information on Traineeships:

University Information
For those thinking further ahead or considering subject combinations, find information on university courses:

For more information on Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Navy recruitment and how to join:
Careers information, job videos and careers quiz
Careers videos and information
Information on health careers in the NHS
Student website with peer advice on courses/opportunities and apprenticeships
Student community website with advice from peers and careers information
Careers and university course search information and suggestions
Volunteering vacancies and information