Our English curriculum nurtures a passion and love for English language and literature, empowering all students to form critical opinions and eloquently express their creative ideas. Students display a thirst to be more knowledgeable and build their cultural capital through a range of carefully chosen texts which celebrate the literary heritage of the United Kingdom and the cultural heritages of our own diverse community. Content is mapped in a spiral curriculum, which builds on KS2 foundations of knowledge and develops students into empathetic and judicious readers, who can explore the intricate relationship between a writer’s context and their writing style. By immersing our students in a broad curriculum, we believe they are forging skills and building knowledge which will allow them to compete nationally.
We strive to offer students a wide range of enrichment opportunities, such as: public speaking and national writing competitions, as well as having their work published in the school newsletter. Students enthusiastically engage with Shakespeare workshops, theatre trips and World Book Day. Fostering a culture for reading, students relish weekly library lessons and whole school DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time, demonstrating the value of reading to our students. We strongly feel that these rich and meaningful experiences develop a balanced individual who is prepared not only to take their GCSE examinations but also to mature into a confident, articulate and independent ambassador representing our core values in the wider society.
Please click on the link below to see our Programme of Study for English:
Here is some advice with links to support your child’s learning as they move through Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4.
Year 7 Parental Advice on Reading.

The English department are delighted to have been awarded the PTI Subject Programme Mark for outstanding teaching in English in 2022/23. To achieve the PTI Mark, our English department demonstrated that we have increased the challenge within our subject curriculum, developed staff’s specialist subject knowledge, developed subject-based links outside school and enthused pupils through our extracurricular activities. To find out more, visit: www.ptieducation.org.